
Showing posts from January, 2023

Daily Blog 15

 Today in Mr. Rease's class, we started off with a vocabulary quiz. The quiz was a little glitchy for me and I didn't get to finish it, but it seems really easy. After we took the quiz, we continued our talks about argumentative writing. We did an activity where we were given an unpopular opinion, and we had to provide a pro, a con, and a compromise for the opinion. At first the assignment was a little confusing, but then, as we continued to do it, I understood it a little better. It was fun hearing everyone read out their unpopular opinions and I wonder what we will do with this topic tomorrow.

Daily Blog 11

 Today we discussed more about the 3 methods of persuasion. Our first exercise was looking at picture ads and analyzing the method used. Next, we were given a prompt and had to determine how to convince using each method. As we shared our responses, it helped me to understand the importance of persuading. After this, we watched a few ads from major companies and analyzed and explained how we were able to determine the persuasive method used. This was very fun and helped me to learn faster and easier ways to tell and use the persuasive methods.

Daily Blog 10

 Today in class, we began learning about argumentative writing. One thing I learned is that an argument is an opinion that is supported by evidence. We also talked about ethos, logos, and pathos, and how to determine them in a writing. The last thing that we did today was go through all the steps using a prompt. 

Overrated Cluster


Daily Blog 8

 At the beginning of class today, we started with watching a short film called “Identity”. After we watched the film, we completed a short response to what we watched and how we felt about it. Then, we talked more on The Writing Process. We focused on revising and editing today. We were given 4 student responses, and our responsibility was to revise and edit their paragraphs. After this, we talked more on the brainstorming process, and we practiced some examples of listing and freewriting.

Identity Short Film Response

 After watching this film, I think the overall message was to not hide behind a mask, and to show your true self. At first, it seemed like the film was very dark and gloomy. Everyone was in masks, and not many people spoke or even interacted. It also looked like the girl in the film was very to herself. When her mask broke in the bathroom, it was almost as if she had gained more confidence and seemed brighter. She walked out of the bathroom with a smile, and when she went outside the sun was shining brightly from the change.

Daily Blog 7

 In class today, we continued on things we learned about the writing process. We learned how to take our brainstorm process and turn it into a drafted paragraph. The cluster we made really did help to organize the paragraph easier. After we practiced drafting our paragraphs, we then touched a little bit on editing and proofreading. I’m glad I learned about this process and I really think it may help me in the future with writing.

My Cluster


Daily Blog 6

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class, we immediately began with a test that we were meant to do Friday. I thought the test was okay. After we tested, we had a lesson on the Writing Process. In this lesson, we learned the 5 steps of writing successfully. After this, we learned how to brainstorm for writing until the end of class. 


 I was absent today due to a Doctor’s appointment. 

Daily Blog 3

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class, we read another poem by Langston Hughes called “Mother To Son”. This poem was about not giving up on struggles or challenges, no matter how difficult they seem. Before we annotated the poem, I didn’t quite understand the meaning behind some of the phrases and lines. Afterwards, I thought the poem was very motivating and conveyed a strong message. At the end, we came with 3 themes for the poem, and then we answered a few questions about what we analyzed throughout it. 

What do you consider your roots to be?

Today in class, we discussed a bit about race, ethnicity, and nationality. Knowing some of my family members history, I know that I have white decent about 4-5 generations before me on my mom’s side of the family already. My dads side, on the other hand, is fully “black”, or African American from what I know. However, I know that my currently alive great grandmother is originally from a more southern part of Georgia. That makes me wonder what the history before her is. Based on this, I would consider my roots to be some type of African and white. 

The Best Advice

 The best advice my mother has given me was “Stop trying to grow up so fast”. I have always been into all things girly and cute. From clothing, to makeup, to hair, I’ve had an interest in it since I could remember. There came a time where I got to the age of finding who I am. I was starting to experiment with different styles of clothing, and soon after, I was finally allowed to wear makeup. It was a dream come true that I was able to try new things and find my sense of who I am, until I started to go a little overboard. I was wearing small shirts, or crop tops more, always taking pictures of myself, and overall just too excited to be maturing in a way. My mother saw this one day and said that I should stop trying to look more older and mature than I am. She told me that I had my whole life ahead of me to do whatever I please later, and I realized she was right. I began dressing more appropriately for my age, and I feel more responsible for my actions now because I’ve realized that the

January 9, 2023

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class, we started with our bell ringer. We watched a short film, and then we answered a few questions on it. We had to tell what we thought of the film, what we liked or disliked, and two potential themes of the film. Then, we did a Kahoot on Mr. Rease’s life with the opportunity to receive a free assignment pass. I am kind of upset that I didn’t win, but I’m sure there will be more opportunities in the future to get one. Lastly, we ended class off with a pre-assessment for the first unit that we will learn.

The Elevator Short Film Response

After watching the film, I think that it was comical and relatable. Many people fear elevators, and being in one exceeding the capacity of weight, or one full of sick people coughing, could heighten that fear a lot. I like how the guy got out of the first elevator after seeing another heavy man approaching, and got into another one. One theme of this film could be to not make assumptions.


  Makayla Neal  1. After high school, I plan on going to college and studying psychology in hopes to pursue a psychology based career. 2. I like to listen to music, do hair and makeup, and go shopping 3. My 3 favorite artists are Rod Wave, Summer Walker, and Sza 4. I have 1 sibling, my favorite subject is history, and my zodiac sign is Pisces 5. My favorite food is hamburgers 6. I want to visit New York because I like the setting of big cities.