
Showing posts from February, 2023

Daily Blog 32

Today in Mr. Rease’s class was very informative. Our lesson was lead by student teacher Ms. Cook, and we first started with a bell ringer. The bell ringer today was to tell whether or not killing in the army was justifiable. This bell ringer led us into our work period, in which we read a short story called “Ambush.” We then worked in groups to further use evidence from the story to determine whether or not killing in the army is or is not justifiable. 

Why We Should Have a Free Day

 I believe that we should have a free day because most of us as students work hard all throughout the week. Many students have jobs, homework assignments, makeup assignments, and more. I think that sometimes students are deserving of a break to catch up on things, or just to simply rest. Additionally, whatever we miss on this day, we can speed up our pace of learning and learn the topic another day, while not taking up too much time on it. 

Daily Blog 29

 Today during class we were presented with a real life scenario of a drunk driving car accident. 

Daily Blog 28

 Today we started class by a few of my peers presenting their Black Businesses in Metro-Atlanta projects. I really enjoyed seeing and learning some of the Black Owned businesses in my area. Then, we watched a short film about Black Americans In Upperclass. We took a few notes on the video as we learned about different career paths and a look into some of the riches daily lifestyles. 

Daily Blog 27

 Today we studied and completed activities for Vocabulary 4. 

Daily Blog 25

 Today we worked on our black businesses in metro atlanta project.

Daily Blog 24

Today we were taught by co teacher Ms. Cook. First, we did a bell ringer on what we thought oppression looked like. Then, we read and analyzed a poem by Langston Hughes called "Harlem". After that, we did an activity on our dreams. We wrote a poem or a few sentences about our dreams, then we were done for the day and received candy.

Daily Blog 23

 Today in class we did a bell ringer that consisted of writing a pledge to African American culture. After that, we watched a video about Maya Angelou. Then, we read and analyzed a poem of hers called "The Black Family Pledge". This poem is about how upcoming black generations have forgotten about their ancestors and history. Finally, we were introduced to a project, in which we have to created a PowerPoint presentation of black owned businesses around the Metro Atlanta area.

Daily Blog 22

 Today in class, we completed an activity which consisted of analyzing quotes from Emily Dickinson’s poems. We explained the quote, and then told the Conflict, Theme, and Topic. Today I completed about 10 quotes, and will complete the other 10 tomorrow. 

Daily Blog 21

      Today we presented our one pagers. I really enjoyed seeing everyone's creativity and reasoning on theirs.

Emily Dickinson Poetry One Pager


Daily Blog 20

      Today we began our new weekly vocabulary. We wrote the definitions for the words and we completed two exercises for a grade. This week, we wont have a quiz, but instead a poster assignment and I wonder how that will turn out. Then, we continued to work on our one pagers that are due tomorrow.

Daily Blog 19

 Today in Mr. Rease's Class, we took our second vocabulary quiz. It was pretty easy and I think I passed. We then continued analyzing our poems. After that, we began to work on our one pagers.

Daily Blog 18

 Today in Mr. Rease’s class was pretty simple. We began class reading a poem by Emily Dickinson titled “Heart, We Will Forget Him!”. We annotated the poem, and then found 2 themes to go with it. After this, we talked about an upcoming group assignment. The assignment is called a one pager. We are randomly given poems, and have to find others with the same poem as us. Then, we have to work together to depict the meaning of the poem, and create a page that will represent the important aspects of the poem. I’m very interested to see what my group and others will come up with.

Daily Blog 17

 Today in class, we started off by watching a short film titled “Less than Human”. I thought the film was pretty decent, but I couldn’t really depict what it was about. After we watched the film, we read a poem by Emily Dickinson called “I felt a Funeral in my Brain”. Mr. Rease gave us instruction on how to correctly analyze and summarize a poem, and we practiced it on our own. The poem was about the speaker (Emily Dickinson) losing her peace of mind. One of the themes that we got from this poem was that losing your mind can feel like being buried alive.